Winning in their blood
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in their joints
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Polyglycan Family XL

Over a million doses administered by trusted veterinarians since 2006

  • I use Polyglycan exclusively (other than biologics) in joint therapy. In other words, Polyglycan is my "go to" medication.

    I have used Polyglycan since 2010.  Since then our clinic has used over 70,000 doses in both post-surgical and treatment of typical inflammatory conditions of the joint.  In my experience, I have very good to acceptable outcomes using Polyglycan in routine joint therapy.  Additionally, we have not experienced the occasional joint flair seen in other products.  We have not had any problems with any type of proliferative arthritic conditions.  Currently, I use Polyglycan exclusively (other than biologics) in joint therapy.  In other words, Polyglycan is my "go to" medication.

    signature r brusie

    Robert W. Brusie, DVM, Diplomat ACVS
    Palm Beach Equine Clinic, Wellington, FL